HTML – Hyper Text Markup Language – has been the cornerstone of web pages, and is the reason you are able to read this website right now. Very easy to learn, structure, and format your online content, it has received many iterations and upgrades, but the latest – HTML5 – is the most significant one as it focuses natively on multimedia content – video and audio.
Why Is HTML5 Important?
When you go about learning HTML, it is understood that you will be learning HTML5 as the latest internet standard. It introduced numerous multimedia tags such as video, audio, and canvas, while expanding page structure elements to further increase the ease of content formatting, and making it more compatible and dynamic to view across all browsers. In addition, HTML5 introduced support for scalable vector graphics (SVG) and MathML standard for mathematical formulas.
New Multimedia Form
Experienced internet users remember a time when almost all media online was in the Adobe Flash format. This media solution was highly resource-intensive, and not as nearly as responsive as it should be for modern web viewing experience. HTML5’s native graphics support completely changed the game and ousted Flash as the go-to multimedia format. However, it must be used in conjunction with CSS and Javascript for full interactivity features.
HTML5 Makes Multimedia Content Smooth
In the pre-HMTL5 era, you had to rely on third-party solutions like Flash to integrate any multimedia content into your website. Then you had to rely on plugins for various internet browsers for that content to actually be properly displayed for the end-user. It was inefficient and far from user-friendly. With the advent of smartphones, and now more people viewing internet content on mobile platforms than on desktops, HTML5 was a necessary upgrade to greatly improve the internet experience.